The best people I know:

  • Galvanize their thoughts with continuous reading and writing
  • Question everything
  • Learn (as much as they can about everything they can)
  • Teach
  • Mentor

My name is Trevor O’Flaherty and this blog is one of the ways I aspire to do all of those things. I have committed myself to lifelong learning. I sincerely hope that this commitment not only encourages me to achieve everything I desire to achieve, but inspires my readers to do the same.

For me, success means reading daily and continuing my education. It means staying active and healthy. It means being a positive, influential member of my community and being viewed as a mentor and leader by those around me. It means being the best husband and partner I can be. (I must admit, I stole this from one of my own posts…)

What is your definition of Success?

I hope that my words will help you to contemplate and question everything. I hope they help you find your own definition.

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