Technology and Relationships

How much of your day is spent looking at some sort of screen? Computer, television, smart phone, tablet, repeat (in any order).

I cannot for a second claim that the schedule of my average day is not similarly organized. Technology and the use of technology have become so pervasive in our everyday lives that is it almost impossible to think about how we would go about our business without it.

I must point out that you are reading this on some sort of screen at the moment, in case you hadn’t already realized. Technology allows us to accomplish wonderful things, particularly with information and information sharing.

I would just like to point out some of the benefits of escaping the world of technology, a least for a few minutes a day. The world of technology, as wonderful as it is, can also be very crowded, noisy, distracting, and it can occasionally move at so rapid a pace as to cause (whether you recognize it or not) sensory overload.

Human beings were designed to be social creatures. We need to interact positively with those around us daily – our happiness literally depends on it. The relationships we have with others, including our families, should be our most prized possessions. Without them, we suffer. With destructive ones, we can suffer even more.

Taking a few minutes per day, to clear your schedule of distractions and to instead spend your time interacting with your family or friends, and building positive relationships, can bestow enormous blessings. These relationships can do for you things that technology will never be able to.

In employing my own advice, I have found this to be the case. I am happy to be able to use technology to accomplish things that just a few decades ago would have been considered impossible. I am even happier to have deep, meaningful relationships with my friends and my family.

It only takes a few minutes per day.

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