
Monthly Archives: April 2012

Difficult times getting you down? The challenges of  life seeming insurmountable at the moment?

One of the most fascinating anomolies of life – the more effort you put into something (anything), the more you get out of it. Seems simple enough, yet I still call it an anomaly and I believe I always will. The fact is that it is an anomaly precisely because it is so simple.

Want to have more fun at work? Put more effort into having fun at work. Want to have a better relationship with your spouse? Put more effort into having a better relationship with your spouse. Want to make more sales? Put more effort into making sales. Want to one-day own a Porshe 911 Turbo S?

You get the picture.

Most people go through life wishing for things to be better. Better homes, better cars, better jobs, better TV’s, better clothes, better bodies, better relationships. Unfortunately, that’s where is usually stops. Wishing. Think about all of the things you’ve ever wished for in your life. How many of them just miraculously came true? I’ll bet you 99 times out of 100, the things you wished for came to fruition through some type of work or effort on your part. I’ll also bet you that the bigger and better your wish, the more unreachable it may have seemed at times, the more you had to work for it and the sweeter the reward was.

Next time something gets in the way of your dreams or goals – the road you’ve deemed best to travel on your journey towards personal success – look for the seed of equivalent benefit. Don’t let the obstacle distract you and don’t let it fetter your ambition. Figure out exactly why you are now facing the challenge, find that deeply seeded benefit to pulling yourself through, and continue your journey as a stronger, more capable individual.

Finding that hidden benfit in what may seem like a terrible, unfair, “why me??” moment, as counterintuitive as it sounds and as difficult as it may be, will encourage you to engender a positive outlook and attitude regarding your circumstances, no matter what they may happen to be. In fact, it will enable you to maintain the necessary stamina to continue reaching for your goals.

The next time you encounter a setback on the long and arduous journey towards success, seek out the reason – seek out the benefit. Understand that by doing this you are not only working to orient your mind to view your circumstances in the most positive way, but that you are simultaneously increasing your efforts and your ownership of the situation. Your candid assesment of the circumstances which you face and how face them will put you squarely back on your path more quickly that making excuses ever will.

Want to have a better life? You can! Put in the effort, maintain a positive outlook and you will.

It may not be easy, but it certainly is simple.